Sweden <--> Ohio: Student

Monday, April 23, 2007

You know, it feels... dishonest... to read this and have written that.

But maybe that's the point. I still stand by what I wrote, Sweden _is_ an incredibly racist society on every level and has zero awareness or interest in rectifying this state of affairs.

Then I look at us and wonder - how much better are we?

I want to feel virtuous about the fact that we at least have news articles about these things, public awareness is far higher (I feel), and people understand and believe in the concept of institutionalized racism in a way that is inconceivable here. (Even considering that my unscientific 'sample' is heavily biased towards upper middle class white educated liberals and that my grasp of Swedish news media is limited, at best).

But we have poverty in a way they don't here. Does poverty + racism = genocide? Is money the only thing that's keeping Sweden from the same fate? Or is there an ethical component - would Sweden object, were they still poor, to disproportionately rising live birth deaths... among the immigrant population?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im french.
I ve lived in Sweden for 3 years.
I could not expain how much racism is felt everywhere in that country!!
Of course lot of people are not racist, but it´s a special feeling which makes you thinking you are different from them.
They want to be friendly but they can´t help speaking about your country where you com from, and they really behave like brainwashed sometimes and all think the same about a suject "Oh is it so in france ? really? oh so cute!"
Now i could say bye bye Sweden, i´m back in France and sad to know about scandinavian racism or maybe i could say "primitives? oh so cute!"

2:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im french.
I ve lived in Sweden for 3 years.
I could not explain how much racism is felt everywhere in that country!!
Of course lot of people are not racist, but it´s a special feeling which makes you thinking you are different from them.
They want to be friendly but they can´t help speaking about your country where you come from, and they really behave like brainwashed sometimes and all think the same about a suject "Oh is it so in france ? really? oh so cute!"
Now i could say bye bye Sweden, i´m back in France and sad to know about scandinavian racism or maybe i could say "primitives? oh so cute!"

2:17 PM


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